Nadi is one of the significant diagnostic tools in Ayurveda. Many vaidyas can diagnose only by examining the pulse of the patient. Index, middle, and ring fingers are placed over the root of the thumb to assess the rate, rhythm, speed, and quality of the Nadi. In Ayurveda, the movement of the pulse is compared to the movements of different animals. Vata pulse is compared to the motion of a leech or snake. Pitta pulse resembles the movement of a sparrow, crow, or frog. Kapha pulse is like that of a swan or pigeon.
Amount, colour, smell, and consistency of the stool are some of the parameters to assess the doshik predominance. Vata aggravated conditions cause stool to become dry, hard, and blackish in colour. Pitta dominance causes loose or liquid, greenish or yellowish in colour and foul-smelling stools. Kapha in excess causes stool to become bulky, slimy, or with mucus and excess in amount.
Early morning sample of urine is usually taken for mootra pariksha. The first stream of urine after waking up is avoided. Vata aggravated urine is less in amount, has a yellow hint to it, and dries quickly. Pitta aggravated urine is reddish to dark yellowish and produces burning. Kapha dominance causes watery, very white urine. Rakta vitiated urine is presented with blood and is hot.
When Doshas are in a normal state, voice is natural. Vitiated Doshas cause changes in shabda. Vata aggravation causes a hoarse and rough voice. Pitta dominance causes a broken and cracking voice. Kapha aggravation causes the voice to become deep and heavy
Hot, cold, smooth, rough, dry, moist skin, oedema, fever, etc. are examined by touch. In Vataj disorders, the skin is dry and rough to touch. In Pittaj disorders, the skin is hot and sweaty. Kaphaj disorders, the skin is moist.
Eyes may reflect the health of a patient. Vata aggravation causes eyes to become sunken, dry and squinted. Pitta domination causes redness, burning sensation, and photophobia. Kapha aggravation causes moist, white, watery, lusterless, and heavy eyes.
Hot, cold, smooth, rough, dry, moist skin, oedema, fever, etc. are examined by touch. In Vataj disorders, the skin is dry and rough to touch. In Pittaj disorders, the skin is hot and sweaty. Kaphaj disorders, the skin is moist.
Along with the ancient Ayurvedic diagnostic tools, we at Sri Vaidya also provide facilities for laboratory tests like blood tests, urine tests, imaging, etc. Laboratory reports and imaging helps the doctor keep track of the health status and prognosis. Moreover, evidence in the form of lab tests is the demand of patients these days.
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