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We assist in reimbursement option for majorly insurance companies (subject to approval and discretion of insurer)                       अपने बच्चों की रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति बढ़ाएं और उन्हें कोरोना की तीसरी लहर से बचाएं                       Age old Vedic Immunization Technique(Swarnparashan), Book your slot on this 15th February (Pushya Nakshatra) for your child Book Free slot



Alopecia Areata

Ayurvedic Treatment for Alopecia Areata in Bihar | Alopecia Areata Cure in Ayurveda


What is Alopecia Areata?


Alopecia areata is a hair loss condition that causes some or all of your hair to fall out. It's not usually serious, but it can be very distressing. The good news is that alopecia areata often grows back on its own within two years.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, which means your immune system attacks you by mistake. In alopecia areata, the immune system attacks your hair follicles, so they stop producing hair. The affected areas grow back fine when the disease goes away, but in the meantime it can be really hard to deal with feeling like you're losing your hair—especially if you're young and haven't lost any before!

But, You don't need to worry, At Sri Vaidya, We are providing the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Alopecia Areata. We have the best MD Doctors. No Side Effects.

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    • Prominent spots of hair loss on the scalp.
    • Sudden hair fall
    • Patches of hair loss
    • Tiny hairs visible in the patches
    • Brittle and discoloured fingernails and toenails with ridges
    • Gradual shedding
    • Hairs fall even with gentle pulling
    • Bald Patches
    • Black dots in the patches on the scalp
    • Itchy scalp
    • Scaling
    • Inflammation (such as redness)
    1. Ageing
    2. Genetics
    3. Illness
    4. Some medications, such as chemotherapy
    5. Malnutrition
    6. Stress
    7. Autoimmune disorder, in the case of alopecia areata
    1. Poor nutrition
    2. Intake of certain medicines and some medical conditions
    Ayurvedic Treatment for Alopecia Areata at Sri Vaidya

    Alopecia Areata is kapha avarodha, which inhibits hair development, according to Ayurveda. Some believe it is caused by Raktaja krimi. There are a few straightforward methods for preventing and treating this illness. It entails liberally applying pure aloe vera gel to the scalp, rubbing thoroughly, and washing. Ayurvedic remedies such as krimihara chikitsa and keshya chikitsa are particularly efficient in curing hair loss and preserving natural dark hair colour.

    At Sri Vaidya, Our Doctor will examine you thoroughly and then provide you Shiroabhyanga, Prachana, Leech therapy, etc.

    We also treat some other diseases like itching, Psoriasis, eczema, etc.



    Yes Thera are various treatment available in Panchkarma that can cure alopecia areata. Such as Panchkarma treatment

    Applying medicated oil on the scalp is very effective in controlling excessive hair loss

    Rubbing onion or garlic juice, cooled green tea, almond oil, rosemary oil, honey, or coconut milk into the scalp.

    • Aloe Vera
    • Lavender
    • Hibiscus
    • Rose Petals
    • Ginseng.
    • Green Tea 
    • Rosemary

    Valuable Feedbacks

    Manthan Rawat

    The Doctors and a Person at Srivadya Ayurveda Hospital are exceptional. I've been on alopecia areata medication for a year and my hairs have improved significantly. Srivaidya is someone I would recommend to anyone who has skin problems.

    Before things get out of hand, consult your doctor. The sooner the better !

    Get Appointment

      NADI (PULSE)
      Nadi is one of the significant diagnostic tools in Ayurveda. Many vaidyas can diagnose only by examining the pulse of the patient. Index, middle, and ring fingers are placed over the root of the thumb to assess the rate, rhythm, speed, and quality of the Nadi. In Ayurveda, the movement of the pulse is compared to the movements of different animals. Vata pulse is compared to the motion of a leech or snake. Pitta pulse resembles the movement of a sparrow, crow, or frog. Kapha pulse is like that of a swan or pigeon.
      MALA (STOOL)
      Amount, colour, smell, and consistency of the stool are some of the parameters to assess the doshik predominance. Vata aggravated conditions cause stool to become dry, hard, and blackish in colour. Pitta dominance causes loose or liquid, greenish or yellowish in colour and foul-smelling stools. Kapha in excess causes stool to become bulky, slimy, or with mucus and excess in amount.
      Early morning sample of urine is usually taken for mootra pariksha. The first stream of urine after waking up is avoided. Vata aggravated urine is less in amount, has a yellow hint to it, and dries quickly. Pitta aggravated urine is reddish to dark yellowish and produces burning. Kapha dominance causes watery, very white urine. Rakta vitiated urine is presented with blood and is hot.
      When Doshas are in a normal state, voice is natural. Vitiated Doshas cause changes in shabda. Vata aggravation causes a hoarse and rough voice. Pitta dominance causes a broken and cracking voice. Kapha aggravation causes the voice to become deep and heavy
      Hot, cold, smooth, rough, dry, moist skin, oedema, fever, etc. are examined by touch. In Vataj disorders, the skin is dry and rough to touch. In Pittaj disorders, the skin is hot and sweaty. Kaphaj disorders, the skin is moist.
      DRIKA (EYE)
      Eyes may reflect the health of a patient. Vata aggravation causes eyes to become sunken, dry and squinted. Pitta domination causes redness, burning sensation, and photophobia. Kapha aggravation causes moist, white, watery, lusterless, and heavy eyes.
      Hot, cold, smooth, rough, dry, moist skin, oedema, fever, etc. are examined by touch. In Vataj disorders, the skin is dry and rough to touch. In Pittaj disorders, the skin is hot and sweaty. Kaphaj disorders, the skin is moist.
      Along with the ancient Ayurvedic diagnostic tools, we at Sri Vaidya also provide facilities for laboratory tests like blood tests, urine tests, imaging, etc. Laboratory reports and imaging helps the doctor keep track of the health status and prognosis. Moreover, evidence in the form of lab tests is the demand of patients these days.
      Ayurvedic Medicine
      It is a potent method to prevent and cure a disease, and is usually used in combination with therapies. We have our own pharmacy where you can avail all the prescribed Ayurvedic medicines, from herbs to oils to pills and syrups, and many more. We procure medicines from places and companies known for their expertise and quality. Depending on your condition/disease, our Vaids will prescribe the medicine accordingly
      Panchakarma Therapies
      Widely known for their role in mind/body purification and detoxification process, panchakarma therapies are highly individualized therapies prescribed to a patient based on their needs keeping in mind their lifestyle, doshic imbalance, body constitution, immune status and, of course, symptoms. Detoxification apart, the therapies help manage and cure a number of chronic conditions and neurological, auto-immune, musculoskeletal, psychiatric, dermatological, and many other diseases.
      Purva Karma (pre-procedure), Pradhan Karma (main part), and Paschyat Karma (post-procedure), are the three stages of Panchkarma procedure. In Purva Karma stage, the accumulated toxins are loosened by stimulating the muscles and tissues. Pradhan Karma stage consists of five steps of purification such as Vaman, Virechana, Nasya, Basti, and Rakta Moksha. The final stage Paschyat Karma comprises the restoration and rejuvenation of body muscles and tissues and is achieved through the intake of strengthening herbs. You will experience all this once you pay us a visit.
      Dietary Counselling
      Food constitutes a large portion of Ayurveda’s focus area because of its importance to our wellbeing as well as the negative impact it may have on our health when not taken as per our body’s needs. Our doctors will help you with the modification of your eating habits so that you take the right food in the right quantity and stay away from nutrition-related diseases.
      It looks beyond the symptoms of an illness and tends to heal its root causes using natural remedies. Naturopaths follow a principle that says the human body is made of five elements which include space (akash), air (vayu), fire (agni), water (jal), and earth (prithvi). Any imbalance in these elements gives rise to diseases. While examining you, our doctors will seek detailed answers from you about your lifestyle and health history and prescribe you natural therapies to restore the normal state of your body.
      Purva Karma (pre-procedure), Pradhan Karma (main part), and Paschyat Karma (post-procedure), are the three stages of Panchkarma procedure. In Purva Karma stage, the accumulated toxins are loosened by stimulating the muscles and tissues. Pradhan Karma stage consists of five steps of purification such as Vaman, Virechana, Nasya, Basti, and Rakta Moksha. The final stage Paschyat Karma comprises the restoration and rejuvenation of body muscles and tissues and is achieved through the intake of strengthening herbs. You will experience all this once you pay us a visit.
      Yoga is an important part of our treatment, given its importance in strengthening the body and calming the mind. There are several asanas (poses) in Yoga and each of them is packed with wellness benefits for human body and brain.Our expert Yoga trainers will help you with a set of physical and mental exercises that suits you the most. But even before you visit our hospital, we would like to tell you some of the benefits that come with practicing yoga. It will improve your strength, balance, flexibility and heart health, help you with back pain relief and manage stress, etc.
      Human bodies are complex and a problem in one part may affect the other, too. Acupressure is a non-invasive procedure that involves the application of pressure using fingertips on certain points of the body. It helps manage the symptoms of many illnesses like muscle tension and pain, menstrual cramps, insomnia, headache, etc.Only after proper evaluation by our doctors will you be recommended acupressure.
      Purva Karma (pre-procedure), Pradhan Karma (main part), and Paschyat Karma (post-procedure), are the three stages of Panchkarma procedure. In Purva Karma stage, the accumulated toxins are loosened by stimulating the muscles and tissues. Pradhan Karma stage consists of five steps of purification such as Vaman, Virechana, Nasya, Basti, and Rakta Moksha. The final stage Paschyat Karma comprises the restoration and rejuvenation of body muscles and tissues and is achieved through the intake of strengthening herbs. You will experience all this once you pay us a visit.
      Meditation opens doors to calmness, relaxation, and peace of mind. It involves exploring your inner self through a continuous flow of thoughts, and takes you to a world where there is no chaos or conflict.Meditation, however, is not limited to the mind only. It influences the areas in our brain that are linked to metabolism and heart rate. And there is scientific evidence that shows that. Based on your needs, especially the ones which can be managed with meditation, our expert vaids will decide accordingly. So, worry not. Come and rejuvenate yourself, internally as well as externally, mentally as well as physically. There is no greater feeling than being healthy, because health defines everything in our lives.
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