A condition, in which a vein becomes dilated, elongated and tortuous, this is said to be “Varicose”. There are primary as well as secondary causes of varicose veins. The superficial perforating and the deep veins are involved in varicose veins. The medical treatment for varicose veins includes ligation, ligation with stripping and surgical treatments. But these treatments can cause reoccurrence of this disease. Varicose veins and telangiectasia (spider veins) are the visible surface manifestations of an underlying problem with reverse venous flow, which is also termed venous insufficiency syndrome. Mild forms of venous insufficiency are merely uncomfortable, annoying, or cosmetically disfiguring, but severe venous disease can produce serious systemic consequences and can lead to loss of life or limb.
In Ayurveda classics varicose vein can be very much co related with the signs and symptoms explained for Siragranthi (obstructive circulation). Due to Vata aggrevating factors such as, physical exertion, straining, for debilitated persons the vitiated vata enters the Siras (veins) causing the Sampeedana (Squeezing), Sankocha (constriction), and Vishoshana (act of drying up) which produces round and protruded Granthi (cyst) in the Siras (Veins), manifesting Siragranthi (varicose vein)
Varicose vein can be correlated with Siraja granthi. Being a kind of Raktadushti Vikara (Blood involved pathology), Raktamokshan and Rakta prasadana (blood purifying) internal medicines can be given along with Vatanulomaka aushadhas (those which promote regular movement of Vata).Ayurveda line of management includes various panchkarma procedures,internal medications and life style changes. at sri vaidya ayurveda naturopathy care we have BEST AYURVEDA DOCTOR for VERICOSE VEINS and they provide BEST AYURVEDA MEDICINE FOR VERICOSE in DELHI. In panchkarma we have different therapies for vericose veins. But LEECH THERAPY FOR VERICOSE VEINS is also best treatment.
The following are the modalities available for venous imaging:
The primary causes of varicose veins are:
Incompetency of the valves
weakness in the walls of veins which causes venous insufficiency.
Secondary varicose veins occur due to following factors
venous obstruction caused by pregnancy, tumours in the pelvis, fibroid, ovarian cyst and deep vein thrombosis
Risk factors
External treatments:
Abhyanga: Regular application of medicated oils around the affected area helps to minimize discomfort, swelling and improve blood circulation
Patrapindasweda / shashtikashali sweda : It makes proper blood circulation in affected area and relieves symptoms like pain,heaviness in limbs.
UdvartanKarma : udawartana with green gram mixed with ghee helps relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.
Other panchkarma procedures like AvagahanKarma,basti karma with vata pitta pacifying herbs are beneficial.
Parasurgical procedures
Siravedha: (Venesection) reduces local engorgement of the pressure and helps in better blood circulation
Jaloukavacharana: (Leech therapy) is a blood-letting therapy with the help of leech application on the affected part. This procedure improves blood circulation. It decreases strain on the veins .The leech's saliva has anticoagulant, and antibacterial properties.
Life style modifications, and dietary changes, along with Ayurvedic treatment helps to prevent Sirajagranthi (varicose veins).
Ayurveda medicines
Note : Take ayurvedic medicines under supervision of ayurvedic doctor only.
In srivaidya our physicians will examine your nadi,prakriti to know dosha vitiation ,then after diagnosing the disease and which dosha is aggrevated panchkarma treatment and ayurvedic medicines are given to the patient.Life style modification and diet is also advised to prevent the reoccurance of disease.
The facility is known for its Varicose veins treatment. Doctors are really competent, knowledgable, and courteous. Srivaidya, thank you for your kind words.
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