Fatty liver is the condition in which fat builds up in the liver. Having small amounts of fat in your liver is normal, but too much can become a health problem .Liver is largest gland in the human body, regulating all kinds of the biochemical cycles, to maintain normal health of the body.
Too much fat in your liver can cause liver inflammation, which can damage your liver and create scarring. In severe cases, this scarring can lead to liver failure.
When fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, it’s known as alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD).
In someone who doesn’t drink a lot of alcohol, it’s known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). According to researchers in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, The term Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) refers to a broad spectrum of disorders characterized by fatty infiltration of the liver, steatosis, steatohepatitis, and cirrhosis. Epidemiological studies suggest prevalence of NAFLD in around 9% to 32% of general population in India with a higher prevalence in those with obesity and diabetes. No established pharmacological treatment is available for NAFLD in conventional medical science. Several empirical treatment strategies such as dietary restriction, physical exercise and weight reduction form the first line of treatment. Ayurveda has immense potential in the management of Non-Communicable Diseases, and NAFLD is one among them. Purpose of the present study was to formulate a practical Ayurvedic protocol for the management of NAFLDNAFLD affects up to of 25-30 % of the people in the United States and Europe.
A 50 yrs old ,male patient came at Vaidya Sri Ayurveda Hospital on 31st March 2021, with the following complaints
He was also known case of
He was also having history of high creatinine value and got admitted for dialysis. Family history also shows cases of fatty liver and leading to fatal conditions. Clinical examination revealed that he is also having higher fluctuation on sugar levels. Also having heaviness in all over body. Dull pain over right hypochondria. On prakriti vishleshana it shown that, he is having Pitta Pradhan and Kafa anubandhi prakriti.
On Rog Rogi pariksha and Dashavidha pariksha following results disclosed-
With above findings, doctors from Vaidya Sri Ayurveda Hospital, planes for following
Panchkarma therapies and Ayurvedic medication, along with some Naturopathic treatments.
Agnitundi vati was used for pachana.
Most important factor in any panchakarma procedure, for the Doshas to stabilize and regulate disturbed digestive fire.
Mahatiktak ghrut was used for snehapana, for 3 days snehpana was given till the all symtoms of snehpana appear on patient’s body.
Second important step next to pacahana, to prepare body for virechana and to prevent the vat prakopa after virechana.
Icchabhedi Ras was used.
Main step, that drains out all doshas, causing toxic effects on body, mainly Pitta dosha and next Kafa dosha.
Followed for three days.
To increase the digestive fire gradually and to digest any remaining dosha after Virechana.
1-1 tab twice a day
3-3 tsp twice a day
2-2 gms a day
(Followed for 10 days)
Gastrohepatic pack gives effective reduction in blood glucose level by improving organ.
(liver, pancreas) functions as well as utilizing of the glucose from blood. It stimulates liver for metabolism and pancreas to secrete insulin.
The first acupressure point is intestines’ point. This acupressure point might assist in digestion and weight loss, which may make diabetic management a lot simpler.
The second acupressure point is wrist .This point assist in controlling stress in the heart.
The third acupressure point is liver point. It help in cure insomnia, diabetes, stress etc.
Suryanamaskara, paschimottasana, viprit karni asana anuloma viloma, ujjayi, bharamari pranayama are highly effective. Stress increases the body production of adrenalin which raises the blood sugar level. Reducing stress through yoga and pranayama helps restore regularly , healthy sleeping pattern, sound sleep ease the stress and bring blood sugar level in control, as stress is closely associated with the rise in insulin.
Jala neti maintain the nasal hygiene by removing the dirt and bacteria trapped along with the mucus in the nostril. It clear the upper body .
Mud pack on abdomen and eye relaxes the pores of the skin , draws the blood to the surface, relieves inner congestion and eliminates morbid toxins from the body.
For diabetes we focus on eating lean protein, high-fiber, less processed carbs, fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy and healthy vegetables based fats such as nuts , olive oil etc.
Ayurvedic treatment modalities have immense potential in the management of these kind of lifestyle disorders. As per Ayurvedic concepts, Agni, Pitta, Kapha, Vata dosha, Anna vaha Srotasa, Rasa, Rakta, Meda Dhatu & Srotasa , Yakrit are the cornerstones of pathology of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
A practical treatment protocol including Virechana, Shamanoushadha and Pathyasevana with due importance to particular bodily constitution can help in the proper management of the disease.
By following the all the Pthyas of Virechana and with the potency of the medicines,
Weight loss is the good treatment for fatty liver and there was 4kg wt loss after the completion of the treatment. During the Virechana and Sansrg Karma, patient didn’t take any medication for sugar and still sugar levels were stable.
Also there was huge difference in the before and after evaluation of laboratory tests values which are combined the table.
Before | After | |
Serum creatinine | 1.32 mg/dl | 1.20 md/dl |
SGPT | 43 u/l | 25 u/l |
Gamma GT | 212 u/l | 52 u/l |
HDL | 35.4 mg/dl | 30 mg/dl |
Triglyceride | 238 mg/dl | 155 mg/dl |
LDL | 47.6 mg/dl | 31 mg/dl |
Weight | 81.4 kg | 77.2 kg |
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