Category: blog
Art of Curing Chronic Pain with Ashtdhatu
Art of Curing Chronic Pain with Ashtadhatu In this fast paced lifestyle, everyone is suffering from some kind of pain. We all desire to live a pain free life. But pain management is not that easy. What if you can cure all your acute and chronic pain by simply applying heat? How Agnikarma can help…
Nasya – First Step Towards Detoxification
Nasya – First Step Towards Detoxification Treat All Your Breathing Problems Are you having difficulties in breathing? Do you have to carry Inhaler with you at all times? Were you also told by your doctors that there is no other way to treat all your breathing problems? Get rid of all your respiratory problems and avoid…
Treating Central Nervous System Treatment with Ayurveda
Treating Central Nervous System with Ayurveda Imagine living in a mansion with no roof! Roof is the most important part of our home. It not only protects us from extreme climates, it provides stability to our homes. Our head is same for our body in this sense. Know the method of making the roof of…
Want to maintain Youthfulness forever?
The Secrets of Anti-Aging Unlocked Scientists have been experimenting for centuries to maintain one’s youthfulness. Some studies say you must get enough sleep, eat right, exercise. But, we all know that, don’t we? Can it be as easy as getting bitten by a Vampire? We may not stop aging like in a sci-fi movie. But…
Get rid of Muscle Pain
Get rid of Muscle Pain Are you struggling with Muscle Pain? We have been at home since past 3 years, since the Coid-19 first came to notice. We all have been working from, and can’t leave our homes for a strall in the park or for a workout, basically everything. And due to this, we…
Eye Diseases
Eye Diseases Are you suffering from Dry Eyes and Dark Circles? Are your eyes burning? Do you feel some pain in your eyes? Or sometimes water just starting pouring down from your eyes or you feel burning sensation? Don’t panic! We are living in times where we have to sit 10 hours staring at the…