PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is one of the most common conditions that affect women who lie in the age group of 12 to 45 years. It affects women in their reproductive age It is a problem in which woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problem with menstrual periods and make it difficult for her to conceive. The features include no ovulation, irregular periods, acne and hirsutism. It can also cause insulin resistance diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidemia leading to heart disease. According to ayurveda imbalance of vata and kapha are responsible for healthy ovulation. Hormones can be corelated with fire element in body i.e pitta dosha. Whenever there is imbalance in any of these factors it leads to PCOS. In Ayurveda PCOS clinically resembles with Aartavavaha strotas dushti, Yonivyapad.
In women with PCOS, there is an error in the regulatory mechanism of hypothalamus – pituitary – ovarian hormone regulatory axis. This triggers the release of a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH), which affects the maturation of ovarian follicles, in which the ova or eggs are situated. The cysts found in PCOS are the follicles which are not fully matured and filled with fluid.
Women who are overweight and an impaired metabolism are at more risk for having PCOS. also diabetes mellitus is associated with PCOS. Treatment for polycystic ovary in ayurveda focuses the issues of hormonal balance, metabolism and insulin resistance reducing the cysts in the ovary, and improving uterine health. In sri vaidya ayurveda panchkarma ayurveda hospital we have BEST AYURVEDA TREATMENT FOR PCOD.You can book your appointment today with our BEST AYURVEDA DOCTOR FOR PCOD. As per the condition doctor prescribe you the BEST AYURVEDA MEDICINE FOR PCOD.
Term PCOD and PCOS can be used interchangeably. Though both have similar symptoms,but different from one another. Irregular periods are common to both
PCOD and PCOS, with PCOS leading to thinning of hair and development of male hair pattern in PCOD. Both are caused by hormonal fluctuations and lead to infertility. PCOD is not as serious as PCOS.
A healthy diet, holistic approach of ayurveda along with regular exercise, yoga ,pranayama and meditation is recommended for all women with PCOS. Some changes in lifestyle helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and lower blood sugar levels. Losing weight also help in treating PCOS. Early diagnosis of PCOS , lifestyle modifications, exercise and ayurvedic medicines can help from long term health consequences of PCOS.
Weight gain
Obese women are more prone for pcos. Central obesity is characterstic feature of pcos
Irregular periods
Pcod leads to hormonal disturbances which cause irregular periods.There can be scanty periods,heavy periods,delay in menstruation cycle or early menstruation.
Body and facial hair growth
Hirsutism is the common symptom in pcos where unwanted hair growth occurs in chin,face.
Acne- Recurrent acne can be seen in female who is suffering from pcos.
Pigmentation and darkening of skin
Hyperpigmentation of face , patches of skin can be seen as result of pcos due to hormonal disturbances.
Male pattern baldness
Hair fall, hair patches are common in pcos.
Pcos cause dull headache,migraine due to hormonal fluctuations.
Poor mental health
Pcos cause depression, anxiety,mood swings and irritabilty
Sleep problems
Sleep problems like Inability to sleep,Sleep apnea are common in pcos.
Cysts and lump
Development of Ovarian cysts,Follicular cysts,benign breast cysts are common.
Digestive health
Female who are suffering from pcos always havedigestive disorders.
Bloating,Constipation,Increased appetite are more common.
Heredity. Heredity can also be a factor of pcod. The mechanisms by which variants in the genes confer the risk to PCOS and the nature of the genetic and physical interaction between the genetic elements underlying PCOS remain to be determined. Having a family history of PCOS can lead to pcos in females but there are no evidences to prove this theory.
Insulin resistance. Insulin hormone is produced by beta cells of pancreas. It maintains normal blood sugar levels by facilitating cellular glucose uptake,regulates carbohydrate ,lipid metabolism. If cells become resistant to the action of insulin, then blood sugar levels can increase. This can cause the body to make more insulin to try to bring down the blood sugar level.
Too much insulin can cause the body to make too much of the male hormone i.e androgens. It can interfere with the process of ovulation, the process where egg i.e ovam is released from the ovary. Insulin resistance can cause dark, patches of skin particularly on the cheeks,chin ,lower part of the neck, armpits, groin or under the breasts. Increased in appetite and central obesity can occur.
High level of inflammation. In case of PCOS, females have high levels of other markers for inflammation like oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines, and white blood cells i.e lymphocytes and monocytes. All of these factors are involved in the immune response and are also found during inflammation.
Excess male hormones.
In PCOS there is a link between high testosterone levels which cause urinary urgency, urine incontinence, a need to urinate at night, bladder or pelvic pain .Excess androgen hormones can cause facial hair,infertility,anovulation,amenorrhea,reduce libido in females.
Improper nutrition:
Lack of proper nutrition,healthy diet can also cause hormonal fluctuation in females ans cause pcos.
Heart Disease
PCOS leads to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. This occurs due to the high level of insulin which further increases the triglyceride level,inflammatory markers, and cause atherosclerosis. PCOS can increase the risk of elevated cholesterol and elevated triglyceride levels and further contribute to atherosclerosis.
Endometrial Cancer
Women suffering from pcos have a higher risk of developing endometrial cancer, uterine cance .Pcos leads to more irregular ,scanty periods,heavy blood flow associated with blood clots.
During a healthy menstrual cycle, the female hormones , cause the lining of endometrium proliferation and thickening. When the ovulation does not occur, the lining of endometrium is not shed and cause the endometrial thickening than normal. This increases the chance of cancer cells to proliferate.
Women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which results in higher glucose levels and more insulin production. consistent high levels of blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes mellitus type 2.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic disorders is a cluster of multiple conditions like diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, cardiovascular disease. The most common metabolic changes are :
Cardiovascular Disease: women with cystic Ovaries are at the risk of heart disease. PCOS is also responsible for endothelial dysfunction and resistance to vasodilating action of insulin. There is increased risk of myocardial infarction in PCOS.
Obesity: women with PCOS are prone to obesity, specifically central obesity, associated with menstrual disturbances.
Infertility: PCOS leads to follicular arrest, anovulation, infertility & risk of multiple pregnancy. Lifestyle, dietary habits, panchakarma treatments helps to treat this condition.
According to ayurveda pcos/pcod comes under the term of Yonivyapad. There are 20 type Yonivyapad. Primary Amenorrhea, Delayed Menstruation, Oligomenorrhea are the symptoms of PCOS that resemble with following Yonivyapad
Ayurveda has since ages considered cysts as a result of a metabolic disorder i.e agni mandya. According to ayurveda the polycystic ovary is not only considered as a gynecological issue, but also a metabolic issue. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD or PCOS is based on the conditions ‘arthava kshaya’ (menstrual irregularity) and ‘grandhi’ (cyst) described in classical ayurvedic texts.
Treatment for polycystic ovary in ayurveda focuses the issues of insulin resistance, hormonal balance, reducing the cysts in the ovary, and improving endometrial thickness and uterine health.
In pcos , ayurvedic medicines like Varunadi kashayam ,Sukumar kashayam , kanchnaar guggulu, triphala, etc help to treat the condition and improve the uterus h panchkarma procedures like vaman and virechan clears the vitiated dosha from body thus maintain the equilibrium of doshas and cure the disease pcos.
Some ayurvedic herbs for pcos are shatavri,shatpushpa which works on harmonal fluctuations hormonal .Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes gives significant result in people who have high insulin resistance.Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD also includes diet and lifestyle management.
Ayurvedic Diet for PCOD:
Lifestyle recommendations for PCOS:
Srivaidya is India's best hospital. I got disc and pcod treatment at the Srivaidya Panchkarma Ayurveda hospital, and my condition has improved significantly as a result of the treatment and therapies provided by Srivaidya's doctors. They gave me the best therapy possible so that I could recover quickly. Thank you so much, Srivaidya.
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