Urticaria are a red, raised, itchy skin rash that is sometimes triggered by an allergen.
It is also known as hives, welts, weals, or nettle rash. in Ayurveda the reason of Urticaria is pitta doshas. When pitta got aggrevated than it cause Urticaria. in Ayurveda there are number of panchkarma therapies or ayurvedic medicine for Urticaria. so dont wait start your treatment today with BEST AYURVEDA DOCTOR FOR URTICARIA in sri vaidya ayurveda panchkarma.
The dermatologist , skin specialist doctor of Uriticaria will examine your diseases completely the provide therapies like vaman, virechana etc.
Ayurvedic physician will provide best suited oral ayurvedic medicines.
Dietician will provide complete dietary care as per your requirement.
Urticaria can be effectively curated with Panchkarma therapy treatment which includes, abhyanga (massage), svedana (fomentation), vaman (induced vomiting), and virechen (caused loss of motion).
Vitamin D is so effective to treat Ultricia
It totally depends on the patient’s severity. sometime it gets done in a week sometimes it take a whole month.
Yes, With right treatment and medication also with lifestyle changes. You can get rid of urticaria.
My skin was itching and inflamed. It was becoming very bothersome to me. With time, I saw elevated spots on the skin. When nothing else worked, I decided to go to Srivaidya Ayurveda Hospital, which I had heard good things about. It wasn't long before I realised it was urticaria. I was able to obtain rapid alleviation with their treatment. Doctors at Srivaidya are quite compassionate. Thank you very much.
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