Virechana therapy is a part of Panchakarma treatment. In this therapy the person has to undergo controlled purgation for a specific time period. It helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
It helps in expelling increased Pitta Doshas out of the body. When Pitta dosha gets increased, it causes various diseases such as gastritis, liver disorders etc.
If pitta has increased to such extent that it moved out from its natural position then it must be expelled from the body by panchkarma therapy.
This leads to total reverse of the disease.
Location of Pitta is at the intestines, therefore it is very important to expel it out from the anal route. It is very easy to perform by the virechan therapy. For this therapy pitta dosha is brought from all extremities and organs to intestine then purgation are induced to expel all toxins out.
Virechana therapy is indicated in disorders which includes high amount of pitta like skin disorders, liver disorders etc. It is indicated in constipation, also to patient suffering from piles. It corrects bowel movement and also treats piles. It helps in treating anemia, non healing wounds, ulcers,
abscess, blisters, jaundice, liver disease, spleen disorders, fever. It is also done in poisoning, Urogenital disorders of male and female.
Virechana is not performed in recent fever, bleeding disorders like wounds rectum ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, person who has taken enema, after abhyanga and recent vomiting.
Before Virecahan, in most of the cases, person has to undergo Vamana therapy vomiting treatment.
After Vamana therapy, the patient will do samsarjan krama.
To start virechan therapy patient again has to do sneha pana for 3,5 or 7 days.
After snehpana tail abhyang is done for three and along with swedana. Then Virechana is induced. At the end of therapy kapha will come out and this indicates that process is successfully completed. And after assessing the purgation bouts samsarjan krama will be done by the patient.
The patient will experience
clarity in heart and skin, lightness in body, feel hunger and thirst timely, natural urges like defecation, urination etc. appears timely, more active mind, bloating will also disappear. Proper digestion will take place.
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