Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes loss of skin color in patches.
In Ayurveda vitiligo is known as Switra. In Ayurveda, Vitiligo or Shwitra is a Tridoshaj, which means that it is caused by a vitiation of all 3 doshas together. The Pitta dosha has the greatest imbalance. Pitta is of five types, one of them being the Bhrajak Pitta which is responsible for the coloration of the skin. The imbalance of Bhrajak Pitta leads to the rise in ama. And this ama dosha block the subtle channels or strotas in the body and thus vitiation causes the vitiligo.
So, our physicians advice various Panchkarma therapies which opens the subtle channels by eliminating the vitiated doshas from the body completely. And hence, remove the ama from the body. Also maintains the normal state of doshas in the body which effectively cures the disease. When these therapies doesn’t cause any complications in the body. When these therapies are taken at regular interval for proper period of time, it completely eliminates the disease from the body.
Along with this various oral medications are also advised which purifies the blood and improves the skin condition. But these medicines are not alone successful in treating the condition. Always advice to take medicines after or along with panchkarma therapy. With this dietary advice will also be given to patient by the dietician which also very important in this condition.
We also treat other skin conditions like eczema, itching, redness, dermatitis, leukoderma, leprosy, urticaria etc.
This problem first occurred on my skin when I was a child, but it went away for a long period. It arrived once more in 2019. I looked at a lot of websites on the internet. I discovered ayurhealthline, which specialises on vitiligo. As a result, I reached out to Srivaidya Doctors. began treating him as a medic. Up until month 4, I had mixed outcomes. My spreading, however, came to an end after that. Many thanks to this clinic.
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