Category: blog
Not So Fast…Premature Ejaculation Treatment with Panchkarma
Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. Estimates vary, but as many as 1 out of 3 men say they experience this problem at some time. As long as it happens infrequently, it’s not causes…
Throw your Inhaler Away!
Asthma Treatment in Ayurveda It is a respiratory condition in which patient suffers from difficulty of breathing , shortness of breath Patients have more trouble exhaling than inhaling because the air passages of the small bronchi become clogged and constricted with mucus, thus making it difficult for the patient to breathe out. All asthmatics have…
Naturopathy Treatment for Headache
Naturopathy Treatment for Headache Naturopathy Treatment for Headache:- A headache is pain in somewhere in the head region, headache affects 90-99% of the population, headache can be caused by any disease inflammation, muscles contraction or vascular changes. Types of Headache Primary headaches Cluster headaches Migraine New daily persistent headaches (NDPH) Tension headaches. Secondary headaches High…
Urticaria Urticaria are a red, raised, itchy skin rash that is sometimes triggered by an allergen. An allergen is something that produces an allergic reaction. It is also known as hives, welts, weals, or nettle rash. It affects around 20 percent of people at some time in their life. It is not contagious. Batches of…
Side Benefits of Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Panchkarma
Bust your Stress with Panchkarma Now a days everyone is having stress. So, now let’s have a look on What is Stress? Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional responses. Stress is normal part of our life.…
Side Benefits of Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Panchkarma
Side Benefits of Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Panchkarma Multiple sclerosis is an auto-immune disorder. It affects the brain and spinal cord. It is a type of inflammatory disease that affect the nerve fibres especially myelin sheath. Thus, the transmission of nerve impulses is disturbed and the patient cannot control his limbs, and facial paralysis, visual…