Category: Treatments
VAMANA Vamana therapy means to induce a controlled vomiting in you. This controlled vomiting is planned and induced. It runs for a specific time. The purpose of Vamana therapy is to expel out the increased Kapha Dosha from the body. Increased Kapha dosha causes various diseases such as cold, cough, skin problems etc. If it…
Panchkarma In Ayurveda
Panchkarma In Ayurveda Ayurveda is traditional medicine system of India which works on holistic healing of the body. Panchkarma in major part of Ayurveda which helps body to cleanse all the unwanted waste by certain procedures. Panchkarma is made of 2 words Panch + Karma which means 5 procedures. They totally work upon the 3…
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Rhinitis in Delhi What is Rhinitis? Rhinitis is a medical term that refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose. It can be caused by either an infectious or non-infectious cause, and it can be acute or chronic. In most cases, rhinitis is caused by an infection in your…
Treatment Cancer What is Cancer? Cancer is a broad collective term which is used for the large number of diseases. It refers to an excessive and uncoordinated growth of abnormal mass of tissue in the body. Other terms used for cancer are neoplasms and tumours. KEY FACTS:- 1. According to World Health Organization, Cancer is a leading cause…
Anal Fissure
BEST AYURVEDA TREATMENT FOR ANAL FISSURE What is Anal Fissure? Anal Fissure is a tear, ulcer or cut in the lower part of anal canal with severe pain while defecation. Anal fissure is called as ‘Parikartika’ in Ayurveda. The earliest refrence of parikartika is available from Sushruta Samhita. Fissure-in-Ano is very commonly encountered in current…
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis in Delhi India What is Paralysis? Paralysis is a condition that makes it impossible for you to move your muscles voluntarily. This can happen for a number of reasons, but it’s always a problem with your nervous system. Paralysis can happen on either the left or right side of your…