MENT Headache is the sensation of pain in a specific part or the whole head. Headache is the most common condition that almost everyone suffers oftenly in their life. The severity, chronicity, feature, character and origin of Headache varies from person to person. The headache ranges from just being dull to throbbing to severe. Sometimes, the intensity of headache is sharp enough to restrain someone from even doing basic day to day work.
Headaches are a leading cause of work pressure also. It also impacts social and family life as well. Constant battle with headaches is a major concern as it makes individuals feel nervous and hence unhappy. so now you can lead your life happily book your consultation with BEST AYURVEDA DOCTOR FOR HEADACHE and take BEST AYURVEDA TREATMENT FOR HEADACHE.
Till date, medical professionals have found more than 150 types of headache. Some of the most common types of headaches are:
– TTH (tension type headache)
– Cluster headache
– Migraine
– NDPH (new daily persistent headache)
– Hypertensive headache
– Headache due to sinus – congestion
– Headache due to stress
– Headache due to trauma or tumour.
If you are looking for the best ayurvedic treatment for headache. Search No Further! At Sri Vaidya, We cure various disease. No Side effects. 100% Guaranteed Results.
When you go for consultation in modern medicine, generally the doctor just recommends a pain killer for curing a headache. Which instantly may give you relief but once the medicine’s effect fades away the headache comes throbbing back. And these medications have severe side-effects.
Only Ayurveda can provide a permanent cure for headache. With the aim to bring a significant relief in the patients of Headache due to any reason, Ayurveda and Panchakarma come together under one roof at Sri Vaidya, all set to provide treatment and desired results.
At Sri Vaidya, management strategy for Headache initiates with the analysis of the problem and finding the root cause so that exact treatment can be opted for the best results. At Sri Vaidya, our panel of MD Ayurveda doctors is well versed and experienced enough to tackle the disease well from root cause by examining the patient and assessing the condition carefully and completely with the help of Ayurvedic diagnostic and treatment modality by virtue of all perspectives.
The conservative medicines and Panchkarma procedures like Shirodhara, Nasya, Thalam, Shirobasti tend to cater the specific need of an individual and treat the headache permanently. On the other hand, individual diet and lifestyle modification aids the healing process as a natural effect.
We also treat some other desease like Anxiety, Epilepsy, Stressed, Migraine, Poor Memory etc.
Yes, You can use it for the treatment for migraine
My acquaintance had been suffering from headaches for a long time and had tried a variety of medications. She was depressed as a result of it all. I referred her to a Srivaidya doctor. He calmly listened to her and concluded that her headache was caused by excessive medication use. He progressively reduced her medications and reduced the quantity of tablets she took. My friend is now very happy and free of headaches.
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